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Our tech stack

Technologies that we master.

For online platforms, customer portals and web apps

Our work is based on the most advanced and performant open source technologies. A solid technological foundation, combined with code that is precisely tailored to the goals of the project, is crucial for ensuring that Internet projects are permanently powerful, easy to maintain and successful.

What is a tech stack?

A tech stack refers to the selection of technologies that are used to develop an application. This includes programming languages, frameworks, databases, tools for front-end and back-end as well as APIs. The selection of technologies in the tech stack has far-reaching consequences. Among other things, it influences the possible integrations and the specialist knowledge required for implementation.

Front-end and back-end technologies

As full-stack developers and specialists for Laravel, we master the front and back-end technologies required for modern web apps.

Backend Development

  • Laravel Framework (PHP)

  • Dashboards with Laravel Nova or Filiament

  • APIs: Rest, Json, GraphQL, SOAP

  • Aloglia, Meilisearch, Elasticsearch, Solr

  • Statamic (as headless CMS)

Frontend Development

  • Laravel Livewire

  • JavaScript and TypeScript

  • Alpine.Js

  • Vue.Js

  • Nuxt.Js

  • React

  • Next.Js

  • CSS and HTML5, including mail templating

DevOps and CI/CD

  • Deployment and pipeline workflows with GitHub/GitLab Actions

  • Deployment on conventional Unix servers or in the cloud with AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform

  • nginx, Apache

  • Docker

  • MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB

  • Composer, npm, Vite, Webpack

Laravel Logomark.
Statamic Logo.
PHP Logo.

How we work

The collaboration begins with a free initial consultation in which we get to know and analyse your requirements. We use the insights gained to select the right tech stack and start planning.

Software development takes place with regular status meetings to ensure efficient development.

Finally, we recommend early tests with real users, followed by the transition to live operation.

Laramate as your long-term partner

The stability and functionality of your WebApp are essential. We look forward to providing you with reliable long-term support, regular updates and a dedicated contact person.

As part of a support contract, we continue to develop your project in a predictable manner and at fixed costs.

Find out more about our support contracts.

Tech stack examples for typical projects

We would like to present three proven and frequently used tech stack examples that have proven to be particularly effective and efficient in our customer projects.

These carefully selected technology combinations represent the diversity and adaptability of our approach in order to optimally fulfil the most diverse requirements and objectives in software development.

Progressive Web App: Nuxt.Js frontend & Laravel backend

  • Frontend: Nuxt.Js as a progressive web app

  • Backend: Laravel, with versioned API that is called by the frontend.

This approach is particularly suitable for internal applications that are to be made available to a limited target group and are mainly used on smartphones or tablets.

PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) can be installed on smartphones and tablets in a similar way to native apps. They provide access to device hardware such as the camera, microphone and sensors and are characterised by high performance.

Thanks to their platform independence, PWAs are not only cheaper to develop, but can also be distributed without detours via app or play stores.

Web app with dynamic front end and CMS

  • Frontend: Laravel Livewire

  • Backend: Laravel and Statamic CMS

This stack is ideal for online platforms that require a dynamic front end. With Livewire, we enable the rapid development of fully dynamic web apps and platforms.

With Statamic CMS we enable the simple and user-friendly maintenance of content-heavy blog websites.

The implementation time for this stack is shorter compared to the PWA stack, but web apps developed with this stack cannot be installed as PWAs.

Although it is possible to add an API and a dedicated front end at a later date, this involves considerable effort.

Find out more about Statamic CMS.

Internal tool for data management: Laravel Nova

  • Front and backend: Laravel Nova

Laravel Nova is particularly suitable for projects that are used exclusively for internal purposes, such as data processing, data maintenance or order processing. With Nova, extensive dashboards and input masks can be developed in a very short time.

However, it should be noted that Laravel Nova has certain limitations. Individual components can be developed, but as soon as this becomes necessary, the speed advantage of Nova can quickly disappear. This means that when choosing this stack, it is crucial to carefully analyse your needs in order to make the right decision in the long term.

Learn more about Laravel Nova.

Are you interested?

With us, you have a reliable partner at your side who offers secure, high-quality and plannable software solutions.

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